Make better university choices

Your weekly newsletter and podcast full of ideas, insight and inspiration as you make your university choices.

Hi everyone! I’m Jonathan

I’m a former university student recruiter, marketer and admissions officer.

I started Better Uni Choices, because there is so much stuff that everyone should know about before they apply to university, but no one was talking about.

My weekly newsletter and podcast provides insights, ideas and inspiration on how to make great choices about careers, study and university.

Meanwhile, my free Personal Statement course will help you make an amazing university application.

Weekly newsletter

Every Tuesday morning I’ll give you ideas that will challenge the way you think about making your career and university choices, insights that only someone who has worked in universities will have, and inspiration to keep you going when the process gets tough!

Student working on laptop in kitchen

Personal Statement online course

This free, online course is for you if you are applying through UCAS, and are writing your UCAS Personal Statement.

In just one hour, I’ll give you information and insight into the admissions process, and a very practical guide on writing your statement.

Just watch, download the notes, and start writing.

The Better Uni Choices Podcast, plus image of Jonathan Tinnacher


And if you prefer to listen, you’ll find all the same insight, ideas and inspiration in short, bite-sized episodes in my podcast.

Book cover

Free UCAS Personal Statement guide

A short guide to help you make the best possible application and maximise your chances of getting into your first choice university.